I’m not here to up-sell you on services you don’t need. No sales people trying to meet a monthly quota. No working with project managers that are detached from the design process. I only consult outside personnel when absolutely needed, saving you a ton of money and headaches.
When we work together, you're working with me directly, not an agency that's geared towards up-selling you on ALL services they offer, instead of what you need.
Web design and development
Great user experience combined with defined business goals.
I love sitting down with clients that are struggling to convey their business “story”, while also helping them grow their audience and drive sales through the cornerstone of their marketing efforts, their website. I have a process of wireframing, mock-ups, and staging sites to give clients a window into their new site before anything is “live”.
Websites designed and developed
Detailed steps taken from concept to launch in a given project
Brand identity and strategy
Visual identity is the first step in establishing how you're perceived by your audience.
I’ve sat down with new business owners and industry veterans to create visual representations of what exactly their brand is, and more importantly, how they want to be seen by audiences.
Logos designed/redesigned
Original logos created for new businesses
E-commerce design
Intuitive usability has a direct impact on sales and time on site.
Boosting is not about simply driving potential customers to your site. Customers must be able to easily find what they are looking for as quickly and as easily as possible. The more time spent wondering “where is that jacket I saw in their store” the less likely they will be buying from you.
E-commerce sites designed and developed
Increase in overall sales for a previous client